I heard that project is having some issues - but don't they all???
Anyway, it gave me an opportunity to just get out and get used to the heat and humidity, orient myself, get some food I can actually enjoy (not Indian), walk my legs off and see some new sights - oh and meet new people.
So I actually walked to the office - once I get building access I will probably do that every non-rainy day. It's only 2.5 Kilometers - maybe 20 minutes but only because of traffic lights. They are very strict here about following the walk/don't walk signs.
I ate in the same fish market that our group ate at on Friday but I spent more time exploring and had a great prawn and noodle soup that filled me up, didn't burn me up and wpould have fit into Rachel Ray's $40 a day budget even at Singapore rates.
Then I aimed for Chinatown but ended up going thru Ann Siang Hill park. Very small but beautifully lush. The remarkable thing about it is that the folks in Singapore place a high value on "hill" land and this still became a park.
Chinatown was being pre-CNY celebration crowded and noisy but I saw a lot of shops, markets, crowds, veggies, hanging meats and poultry and in one place - Durian Fruit. I have to find out the rules regarding it because I want to at least try it so I can say I did, but I know it is outlawed in some places because of the smell. Andrew Zimmern won't eat it but Anthony Bourdain does.
Met a dude west of Boat Quay name of Chuang. Turns out he's from Minneapolis and was in Singapore on a layover from Menneapolis to Tokyo to Perth Australia. Nice guy and wanted me to take his picture with the Casino in the background.
My team lead's mother died last week so he will be in bad shape. It is probably a good thing there are other issues with the project that will alleviate pressure on him. I was prepped to guide him regarding best practices and potential pitfalls this week but I expect that he will be delayed a bit.
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